The North American Butterfly Association (NABA) formed in 1992 is, by far, the largest group of people in North America (Canada, United States, and Mexico) interested in butterflies.
Non-profit Organization
We are a membership-based 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization working to increase public enjoyment and conservation of butterflies.
We are working to save butterfly species throughout North America and have provided grants to help the
endangered Schaus’ Swallowtail in Florida. NABA successfully petitioned the State of Florida and the
USFWS to declare Miami Blues an endangered species.
NABA convinced the U.S. Army to not implement a plan that would have destroyed the last known viable
colony of Regal Fritillaries east of the Mississippi River.
NABA is on the steering committee of the Monarch Joint Venture, a governmental NGO partnership formed
to conserve the spectacular migrations of Monarchs in North America. NABA is the only NGO member of
the Florida Imperiled Butterfly Working Group.
National Butterfly Center
NABA owns and operates the National Butterfly Center (NBC), a 100-acre conservation, education and
research center in Mission, Texas. NABA has transformed what was an agricultural field, when acquired
by NABA in 2002, into the largest botanical garden in the United States focused on using native plants in a
garden setting. More than 220 species of wild butterflies have now been seen at the NBC.
NABA Butterfly Monitoring
NABA runs the NABA Butterfly Monitoring Program, including the 4th of July Butterfly Counts, and has
amassed the largest database of butterfly occurrences and abundances in the world. These data are
increasingly used by scientists to study butterfly population trends and to answer questions about butterfly
Butterfly Gardening
NABA’s Program for Butterfly Gardening and Habitats promotes the creation of habitats that increase the
world’s population of butterflies. A Butterfly Garden Certification is available for Individuals and institutions.
The NABA Names Committee, consisting of many of the top butterfly taxonomists in the world, evaluates
new published data regarding butterfly taxonomy and, if warranted, makes changes to the NABA Checklist
and English Names of North American Butterflies, which is published by NABA.
NABA has chapters throughout the United States. The NABA chapters work at the state and/or local level
to conserve butterflies and to educate the public about the importance of butterflies.
NABA is changing the way people view butterflies, moving people from an association of butterflies with
nets to an association with binoculars, cameras, gardening and family fun. NABA’s publications teach
people how to find butterflies, how to identify them, how to create successful butterfly gardens, and how to
photograph them. Your involvement with butterflies will help to bring beauty and satisfaction to your life.