
A darker, browner, cousin of the Monarch that has white spots down the postmedian area of the forewing.


Open areas with milkweeds.

Flight Period

Throughout warm weather.

Caterpillar Foodplants

Milkweeds (Asclepias) and also other genera in the milkweed family (Ascelpiaceae) including twinevines (Funastrum) and swallow-worts (Cynanchum).

Other Notes

As do Monarchs, Queens move southward in the fall, sometimes in unbelievable numbers.  In some years many millions of Queens move southward across the Texas-Mexican border.  However, unlike Monarchs, no one knows what happens to these Queens.  Like Monarch, Queens do form impressive overnight aggregations.  So, do they simply disburse in the Mexican countryside or, a la Monarchs, do they form hitherto unknown overwintering aggregations?  Everyone is focusing on Monarchs -- someone should give the Queens some love!

Scientific Information

Scientific Name - Danaus gilippus